Beard transplanting is carried out by transferring hair roots from another area of the body, such as the hair behind the ear, to the beard area. Beard roots can be made successfully even in people who don’t have a natural beard. As a result of this application, a beard can be created with a natural appearance. Since local anesthesia is used during this procedure, beard transplant is done without the patient feeling any pain. FUE technique is used during beard planting. The hair roots taken from the areas that do not fall are planted in the beard area.
Hair roots to be used during beard planting should be taken from the beard area as much as possible. Particularly the neck is suitable for this. Thus, the hair structure of the beard will be the same giving a more natural appearance. Hair roots can also be taken from the nape region. But this is the alternative. The hair roots added during the beard planting should be planted at the same angle as the beard of the person. The angle of the hair is important for a natural look. When the hair roots are planted, there will not be any scars or holes. Due to the fact that a cutting tool is not used, so the hair shaft remains natural.