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    Gynecomastia is a condition that occurs in men, but very few of the patients are aware they have it. Gynecomastia is not a structural condition and treatment is possible. It is a condition that occurs as a result of obesity, drugs and hormonal imbalances. It is frequently seen in men of older ages, especially during andropause periods. A decrease in the level of the male hormone also increases the risk of getting gynecomastia. It can affect men’s social life and can also cause problems in finding proper clothes.


    Is Gynecomastia a Disease?


    Is Gynecomastia a Disease?

    gynecomastia occurs as a result of breast tissue growth in men. Boys often encounter it during adolescence. It also occurs at ages 60 and over. Generally, it is caused by obesity and body fat. gynecomastia affects the life of the person and creates psychological effects, Self-insecurity and drawbacks from the social environment. It’s seen as a result of the lack of testosterone. Excess weight gain, some types of cancer, alcohol use and some drugs can cause gynecomastia.

    Why do Men's Breast Grow?

    In men, Gynecomastia occurs. It is frequently seen during adolescence especially in the case of obesity. Hormonal causes are affected by the growth factor. It is often seen in cases of low male hormone. In elderly people, it occurs in  kidney disease, liver disorders, wrong drug use, and frequent drinking alcohol consumption. Gynecomastia  may occur in both or in one of the breasts.

    What is done in gynecomastia surgery?

    First, the excess breast tissue is removed and the operation is performed in a way thats compatable with the body lines. A certain amount of fat tissue is left to avoid a collapse during surgery. Breast structure may deteriorate in people who are weakened by swelling. For such cases, the application of the skin sagging is started and the specific skin mass of the person is removed.


    What is Gynecomastia's Treatment?

    For those who want to get rid of this aesthetic anomaly, a specific treatment plan is applied. Before the treatment, it’s investigated if there is a hormonal or tumor-induced cause. If there is such a reason, they will have to be cured first. Otherwise, the breast tissue will not reach a normal appearance when it grows. This type of discomfort that occurs in young people improves with time. It is necessary to wait at least 5 years before surgical intervention. but after that as age progresses the only way to fix the condition is surgery. Specific methods are used to get rid of excess tissue and it is aimed to improve the psychology of the person after the surgery.

    Is anesthesia required during surgery?

    Surgery is performed by anesthesia. When the local anesthesia is done, the size of the tissue also changes. For this reason, general anesthesia is applied in the operation for both breasts.

    Does Gynecomastia operation effect the body structure of Men?


    The general body structure does not deteriorate after the operation. It is a safe method, because the purpose of surgery is to get a properly proportional body. There wont be any traces left after the surgery is done. Surgeons should be supervised and operation should be performed by a surgeon who knows his job well. If too much tissue is taken, there may be some subduction in the breast.

    • How long does gynecomastia therapy last?

    In situations such as obesity or overweight men,  gynecomastia is not always solved by dieting. In this case sags may also occur in the breast region. Psychological problems such as men’s self-esteem will also be effected, especially due to the sagging of the breast area. Surgery is not recommended for people consuming alcoholic beverages and using drugs. If you decide to go into surgery, you should make some changes in your life. When it is determined that this is the cause of the problem, the operation is more successful. Often, treatment requires surgical intervention. Gynecomastia is applied to healthy and emotionally prepared men of all ages. General anesthesia is performed on very large male breasts. In some cases, tranquillizers are given with local anesthesia. The duration of the operation varies between 1 to 3 hours.

    Why Gynecomastia Seen?

    Gynecomastia, which leads to growth in the breast area in men, can be caused by reasons besides hormonal imbalances and  inproper eating habits. It can also be caused by the influence of certain drugs. With the permission of the doctor, the patient may go rest at home within the same day. The operation is carried out by removing the excess breast tissue. It is normal to have swelling or some pain after surgery. bruises can be seen around the breast area. If the doctors instruction are followed and when the painkillers given by the doctor are taken on a regular basis, there wont be any problems.


    What are the Risks of Gynecomastia Surgery?

    Risks are various. The breast structure of the body may be asymmetric. If blood accumulation or fluid accumulation occurs under the skin, problems such as rotting of the nipple may also be seen. Tissue loss and infection are unlikely to occur. But when the doctor is informed and a certain medication is applied under the doctor’s control, the pain of the patient will be subsized. Sutures will be removed within 10 days. Wearing the corset also helps the body to recover more quickly. If any irregularity appears in the breast, revision process is started after six months.

    Treatment Process

    Number of Sessions/Operations: 1
    Operation Time 2-3 hours
    Anesthesia: General Anesthesia
    Discomfort Period: 1-3 days
    Return to work 0-3 days
    Full Recovery:
    Persistence of results: Permanent
    Length of Hospital Stay: 0-1 nights

    How to Choose Gynecomastia Treatment?

    In some cases, the phenomenon of breast enlargement seen in males sometimes goes away on its own.

    In permanent situations It creates psychological problems  and reduces the self-confidence of the person. When there is growth in the breast, liposuction or excision is performed. If you have a very oily type of skin, liposuction is enough. In the case of an oily and glandular type body, liposuction is recommended. If the mass has grown too heavily and the sagging skin area has worn away, excess skin is removed and the necessary methods are applied. Hormonal changes usually occur at age 13. In the majority of the 13-year-old boys, the condition can happen suddenly. Surgery is necessary in cases of spontaneous resolution of breast enlargement. In adult men, breast cancer is also considered, and treatment is done accordingly. Ultrasonography is performed before the operation and the breast tissue is examined. When ultrasound is examined, it is understood why the growth has happened. Different techniques are applied for breast growth caused by fatty tissue or glandular tissue.


    Practices in Gynecomastia Treatment in Male

    Surgical intervention provides a definite and permanent solution. In such cases, there is no such thing as home or natural treatment.

    By the end of the operation, the tissue is removed and the breast reduction procedure is carried out by using the fat reduction method. using a process called Liposuction  that removes excess fat from the skin of the male’s chest. The excess tissue is removed from the breasts without leaving any lasting scars. Certain needles are used to relieve the swelling in the breast. The healing period is short. No fatigue occurs in the hospital. As for the postoperative period, it is absolutely necessary to avoid heavy movements. The chest should be protected from all contact, and sporting activities should be avoided. Recovery shall last six months at the latest, depending on the body structure of the person. Certain traces may remain when liposuction is not applied to the fatty tissue. These marks disappear on their own within a year. 6 hours before surgery, the patient should definitely not eat. If you regularly use medicines, you have to tell your doctor. You should also avoid heavy lifting, intense activity and arm movements during the first one and a half months after surgery. When you choose a healthy lifestyle, you will not experience gynecomastia again.


    If there is no underlying disease during adolescence, surgery is not required.

    there are no effective medications for the permanent cases of gynecomastia.

    Gynecomastia may slightly increase the risk of breast cancer. but even with it your chance of developing male breast cancer is very small.

    Young people in general closely follow and take care of how their body looks during adolescent.  Gynecomastia effects their confidence negatively and causes them to somehow isolate themselves from society.

    If you do not gain excessive weight, you will not face the issue again.

    From the age of 17, the necessary examinations will be made and if appropriate surgery is done.

    Local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used.

    The surgery takes about an hour.

    It is recommended to wear a corset for one month in order to strengthen the breast tissue.

    The first week after surgery, entering the pool or the sea is definitely not allowed. For 6 weeks, even saunas should be avoided. The doctor will let you know when you will be allowed to do so.

    Definitely not. Such problems are temporary and natural. It will pass in a week.

    During adolescence, some dietary and working out programs can be beneficial depending on the case.

    There is no obvious scar left after surgery.

    If there is too much sagging in the breasts, a scar can be obvious after the operation.

    Tissue loss or infection is unlikely to occur. Precautions are immediately taken to avoid risks.

    One month after the surgery, specific sport moves are suggested by the doctor. That must be made regularly.

    Unhealthy nutrition, weight gain, alcohol consumption, causes breast growth.

    Breast augmentation is generally not seen after surgery. But as a result of improper diet and irregular living habits, there will be an increase in breast growth.

    It is frequently seen in the adolescence period, and also in old and obese patients.

    MR or ultrasound results are used to understand symptoms.

    Blood-thinning medicines should not be taken and herbal teas should be stopped.

    Edema, bruise and swelling begin to decrease within an hour after surgery.